Thursday, March 12, 2009

My laptop sleeve is done! (Plus thoughts on depression)

My felted laptop sleeve is done!

In good news, I finished my felted laptop sleeve.   In case you can't tell, the embroidery is my initials, surrounded by two spirals. 

And some thoughts on depression...

I foolishly let my Cymbalta (anti-depressant) prescription run out this week, and it turned out I was out of refills.  In the time it took the pharmacy and the doctor to connect and get it straightened out I started feeling some very uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.  I was extremely nauseated, very jittery/dizzy, and felt like breaking down in sobs for no reason what so ever.  (And I have no more reason to be depressed this week than last week.)  The worst thing, though, was the horrific nightmares I had all night last night.  I kept thinking I was waking up -- but no, I was still trapped in the nightmare.  Thankfully I was somehow able to talk out loud in real life, waking my husband so that he could wake me.  Several times.  But every time I went back to sleep, I went back into the nightmare to be trapped again.  

And my thoughts?  Depression is, for me at least, somewhat situational.  I mean, who wouldn't be depressed about daily migraines and the loss of a normal life?  But there is certainly a chemical element as well.  Of course this is obvious, but it sure came home again to me today.  The chemicals in my brain and the logic in my brain ("Hey, there's no reason for this to be happening") had a vast disconnect, and the only thing that fixed it was -- Cymbalta.  Thank goodness the pharmacy had my refill this evening, and I was able to get it back in my system.  As I write this I'm still kind of dizzy, but the sobbing can wait for something that really warrants it.  Like a sad commercial on TV. 


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