Thursday, May 7, 2009

Major progress on Spinning Coins!

Woo hoo!  I finished writing Spinning Coins on Sunday, and mailed it to a professional editor, Kathryn Johnson, on Monday.  She read it Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, and sent back a very detailed report on ways I can improve it.  Most of the changes she recommended will be easy to implement (making things clear to the reader that are obvious to me!), but she's also recommended a major restructuring.  

I originally started the book in first person, but alternating between three POV characters (Polly, Joy, and Polly's brother Will.)  Early readers suggested that this was too confusing, so I rewrote it in third person -- but still alternating between the three main characters.  Kathryn, the editor, suggests that this is STILL too confusing.  AND, she really thinks first person comes across better.  So now I'm going to switch it back to first person, and use Polly to observe Joy's POV.  This way I'll have two POVs instead of three.  I really can't think of a way to eliminate Will as a POV character since his plotline is totally separate from Polly and Joy's plotline.

In any case, it's back to the - er - writing board.  I'm excited about going back to first person!  I liked it better that way, too.

Also, I entered The Five Randoms' "hook" contest this week.  The prize is that literary agent Wendy Schmalz (Lois Lowry's agent) will critique the first chapter.  I got an e-mail this morning that my hook (very short synopsis) was accepted into the contest, and will be posted next week.  I would be thrilled to get a chance to work with Wendy Schmalz, so here's hoping!

I've been listening to a lot of Danish rock/metal/alternative music the last few days, trying to find a musician or band for Polly to follow.  My daughter Carrie helped me pick Band Ane, a solo musician playing the "laptronica."  The music is described as "electronica."  I think Doug/Will would like it, too!  Here's a video:


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