I'm going to the University of Maryland Medical Center this afternoon so that the doctor can tell me that the "thing"
I'm thinking back on that time three years ago, and how,
even though nothing really changed, everything did. I honestly thought I could die. I mean, I had a TUMOR in my head, and the surgery to remove it was RISKY. We went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for a few days that Spring Break,
and it was then that I decided that I would no longer avoid having my picture taken. Yes, I am overweight, no longer young, no longer attractive. Yes, I'd rather hide from the camera (and to be honest, I still position Amy in front of me whenever possible!) But I realized that if something happened to me, my family would rather have pictures of the physically imperfect me than no pictures at all.
Next week I see the cardiologist about the PFO (NON-life-threatening hole in my heart, which could be causing/contributing to my migraines. The PFO can be fixed with outpatient surgery.) And I'll be seeing the pain management doc soon, too, to get facet-joint
injections in my neck.
Hope you get good news and that all is well!